Pavement Painting in Pondicherry

I think these are called Kollams (no relation to the town of Kollam that I was in this week), they're made by sprinkling powder, and (generally much simpler designs) are drawn on doorsteps of houses or outside businesses to bring luck. They're traditionally designed in rice powder, so that small creatures can eat it (though why you'd want to encourage ants to your doorstep is beyond me). As I pottered around Pondy (as this city is generally known, the official renaming to Puducherry in 2006 being almost universally ignored) this afternoon I stumbled on what seemed to be some sort of competition - the pavement was covered with these colourful designs, and ladies adding their finishing touches.
I've put a whole lot more photos on Facebook - and it's taken so long that I haven't had time to add any more writings. The next 10 days before I go back to Thailand are going to be a bit hectic - I'm going to Chennai tomorrow, then down to Kanyakumari and Palayakottam (where G-G-G-Grandfather Henry Bower is buried), then either to Madurai or Kodaikanal for a day or two before heading back up to Bangalore to fly out on the 26th.
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